Billy Strings Stickers

Billy Strings Stickers
How do y’all feel about Billy Strings? Im obsessed, so I made some Billy Strings Stickers! We are excited for the upcoming Billy Strings mini tour in Asheville NC in February 2025. Six whole nights, two weekends in a row to boogie down and stumble back to the hotel that’s within close walking distance. There are 5 stickers, one goat on the mandolin, one on the bass, another on the guitar, the banjo, and the fiddle. We will be handing out one design per night for 5 nights. We are still not sure what will be in store for the 6th night, so stand by for more information, or find us at the event and be surprised! If you can’t find us each night to collect all 5, we will have sets for sale on our merch page after the shows. We look forward to meeting y’all there! BMFS!