Emily Hefley’s Portfolio
Check out the artists’ portfolios to find the artist and style that best suits you. The next step is to contact the artist to set up a consultation or appointment!
As tattoo artists, we have the honor of decorating our client’s skin permanently which is a huge responsibility. The best way to assure you that you are in good hands is to present a photo portfolio of our work for you to view. Please browse through our most recent work to see the overall style of the artist you are interested in getting tattooed by. Follow us and your favorite artists on social media to scope out deals or available designs you may be interested in. When you are ready to proceed reach out to your favorite artist to inquire about your ideas and set up a consultation or go ahead and make an appointment!
Ready to Get Started?
Cosmic Tattoos has proudly served the Charlotte community since 2002. We are passionate about creating the perfect design and tattoo for each person. Whether the tattoo is big or small we have the experience and are prepared to work with you to get the best result possible.
Why Choose Us